MarLynn FitzGerald



The aspect of Fairfield United Church that I value the most is… How I can come as I am and no matter where I am in that moment, I feel like I am accepted and feel as though Fairfield United Church provides me with the opportunity to be part of something larger than myself. 

I value how the community is more than just a gathering of people on Sundays. The people of Fairfield stay connected outside the Sunday service through community happenings, friendships, social gatherings, and social justice initiatives. 

My participation in the community of Fairfield United Church helps me to fulfil my spiritual needs and ground me into my daily life and purpose. The community is synergistic because together, we are wise, resourceful and knowledgeable. Our community shares these resources and knowledge with each other and we are innovative in problem-solving and initiative creation.

Connection with Fairfield United congregants and ministers not only provides me new perspectives on life but also helps me determine my gifts and talents. It helps me determine personal and professional goals that are in alignment with those gifts and talents that are constructive and fulfilling. 

The community supports me, encourages me, includes me, cares for me, and accepts me. Being part of Fairfield United makes me a better person because it connects me to others and makes me feel safe to reach out when in need or when I have a question. Ultimately, for me, I feel that this is the basis for good mental, spiritual, social, physical and emotional health. Regardless of socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender identity, talents, or even beliefs, Fairfield United is there to question, explore, and experience life with.