
Season After Pentecost

Fairfield United Church @ United Commons!


Since 1912, Fairfield United Church has been the neighbourhood’s space to deepen relationships, celebrate belonging and create meaning.


We believe an inclusive community gathering for a deeper exploration of faith and life is sacred and authentic.

(vision and mission statement)

This Week at Fairfield United Church

Weekly, we are meeting in the United Commons (932 Balmoral Rd). To learn about the type and style of worship opportunities we have.

Learn More About Gatherings

We have multiple ways to connect throughout the week, both digitally and in person!

By weaving ancient and modern Christian rhythms into our lives, we experience what matters every day and are empowered to make a difference in the world.

New here?

We dream of a world where everyone is welcome
and where everyone belongs.


Spiritual Practices

Spiritual practices are small, everyday rituals that can bring comfort, create better lifestyles, help set positive intentions for life. They assist us to uncover our deeper purpose, enhance or relationship with the holy and reconcile with all of creation.

Anti-Racism Resources

Becoming Ant-Racist: You want to learn about being anti-racist or wish to take action against racism. Racism in Canada is directed against Black Canadians, other people of colour, and against Indigenous Peoples. Many of us were not taught this part of our history. 


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